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Islam tanpa syariat merbahaya.
Berapa banyak kes dimana anak2 kecil kita suka mengusik barang perhiasan rumah yang dikunjungi sehingga terkadang berselerak barangan tuan rumah dan yang lebih tragis lagi sehingga barang tersebut pecah disebabkan kita membiarkan anak2 kita mengusik barangan dirumah itu.
Sepatutnya, dengan mengunjungi sanak saudara dan rakan taulan itu dapat merapatkan tali silaturrahim, tapi jika situasi ini yang berlaku, takut2 hubungan baik sebelum ini menjadi tidak bagus lagi bila ada barangan perhiasan tuan rumah pecah disebabkan kelaku anak2 kita.
Tapi sebaliknya jika anda berkunjung ke laman web orang lain, selain dari anda membaca isi kandungan laman web tersebut, antara adab yang perlu anda lakukan adalah , anda seboleh2 nya usik (klik) apa2 yang ada dalam web tersebut terutamanya iklan2 yang berbentuk iklan google seperti anak panah merah pada gambar dibawah.
Kenapa perlu diusik2 iklan tersebut?
Ini sebagai tanda anda menyokong karya blogger tersebut dan dapat memberi sedikit pendapatan buat blogger itu dan dapat menaikkan semangat buat dia terus berkarya di laman blog beliau.
Oleh itu, selamat datang ke weblog aku ini. Doakan aku juga berjaya seperti kalian semua. Jangan lupa join pasukan PAKLIK (Pasukkan KLik Iklan Kormesial) setiap kali anda ke webloh ini.
Jauh sudah kukembara
Dear brother and sister,
BalasPadamI am Myanmar who working in Malaysia more than 10 years and I would like to explain about SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST ASSOCIATION. Therefore, recently I stayed at SASANARAKKHA BUDDHIST SANCTUARY (SBS), Taiping, Perak. I am very close with Ven. U Nandiya Maha Thero.
My monk Ven. U Nandiya is very good heart and compassion to everyone in the world, also I heard when he stayed at Kuala Lumpur Buddhist Temple, he lends donation money to President of Temple (DATUK YIP KUM FOOK, MCA Gombak) with amount RM20,000.00 only and he said that money belong to Myanmar society in Malaysia.
On the other hand, my monk said, also many things happened when he stayed there because committees always disturbing, I am very sadly about that matter, why committees are very poor and crooks. Others Temple, people come to Temple to respected Buddha and Monks, also give red packet to monks. Why this Temple, monks must give money to committees, this is opposite.
If anyone receive or read this message, please inform to DATUK YIP KUM FOOK (president of Temple) to return that amount to my monk as soon as possible.
My monk contact place:
Ven. U Nandiya
49 Bombay Street, Lidcombe NSW 2141.
Tel: (02) 9649-8124
With kindness
Taiping, Perak, Malaysia
Anyone visiting this Buddhist Temple must be careful with the committee members as they can suck your money and the president of the Temple is also more sucking monks’ money already, add and call the police to arrest Buddhist monks
We have been informed and told everyone to everyone. YIP KUM FOOK (lawyer, president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE) was embarrassed by Buddhism, as a shame of the Buddhist world
BalasPadamIn addition, do dirty with monks. He thinks this temple is his, when we read the articles on the internet, our mind is sadder because of many posts and comments on the internet.
But he still doesn't know anything. Maybe he is close to the six senses feelings. This is very low knowledge. Some old man groups at Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong are also very embarrassing when they speak about SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE
On the contrary, if this Yip Kum Fook has learned the law, he needs to understand some laws, other lawyers do not make problems and deceive people, only this Yip Kum Fook in the world…..
In Buddhist also same, if he understands Buddhist knowledge, why does he need to do badly, insult Buddhist monks (rejected monks out from Temple), we know about SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE because we are groups opened this Temple at Taman Ehsan on 1987
We don't say much because of his karma (YIP)
By Mr Lim, Desa Jaya, Kepong
YIP KUM FOOK menghancurkan Sangha kerana dia memaksa Sami Buddha keluar dari Kuil dan kemudian mengunci kuil, juga memanggil polis untuk menangkap Sami Buddha, juga menggunakan samseng untuk memusnahkan Sami Buddha
BalasPadamRamai yang menyamannya di mahkamah, seperti steven Lee (saudara selayang Mall), pasar burung(ah Choy) En Lim Sg. Buluh and etc. juga dia menipu duit Sami Myanmar (Ven. Nandaya) lebih kurang RM20,000.00 tak pernah bayar balik tapi masih tak tahu.
Datuk (Yip Kum Fook) ini sangat teruk seperti binatang; semua orang kena titah apa-apa kepada Yang di-Pertuan Agong (Agong) kerana malu seluruh Malaysia bergelar Datuk, kita akan perutusan kepada sultan Selangor
Oleh, lee kepong
If you are a Buddhist monk from abroad to come and stay in any Buddhist association in Malaysia, any Buddhist monk should be more careful because some Malaysian Buddhist associations as committees are very dirty in their minds and they do not have Dhamma in their mind they (without Dhamma)
BalasPadamFor example, SAMNAK SAMBODHI one of Buddhist Temple (Malaysia Buddhist Association) located at Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong… YIP KUM FOOK as president, there is another more problem because the committee is like a ghost and animals
Committees in SAMNAK SAMBODHI, they can collect any money from Buddhist monks, whose monks live in the Temple, one of our Myanmar Buddhist monks (VEN. U NANDIYA) lives there, the temple committee cheated his money about rm20,000.00, our monk is very sadly about that
On the other hand, VEN. PHRA PIYA DHAMMO from Penang also committees at SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE remove him out, without any mistake, this is very stupid committees in the world
If anyone reading this message, please forward it to anyone who knows...we will protect and save Buddhists teaching
Sharing by Buddhist groups in Malaysia & Myanmar Buddhist People in Malaysia
My son becoming a lawyer usually takes seven years. Lawyer candidates need four years of university study to earn a bachelor’s degree and an additional three years of law school. Six to 12 months of on the job training while overshadowing a well-established lawyer is usually part of the process as well
BalasPadamBut YIP KUM FOOK is very clever and smart can earn law degree in faster than Lee Kuan Yew and Lee graduated First Class in both parts of the Tripos with an exceptional Starred-First for Part II Law in 1949 with Kwa. As the top student of his cohort, he was awarded the Fitzwilliam's Whitlock Prize; Lee was called to the bar at the Middle Temple in 1950
YIP KUM FOOK don't have to study the law hard but get the law quickly, maybe this YIP KUM FOOK is a child of GOD or a lucky person
Ah Hock….Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong
We would like to announce to all Malaysian Buddhists, that if anyone is political, please do not allow them to join any Buddhist Temple committee or Buddhist association because they hope and expect something from Buddhists, like the SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE(吉隆坡甲洞帝沙再也三宝), there now is very problematic because the president is an MCA politician “DATUK YIP KUM FOOK (叶金福 Datuk Yip Kim Hock)”
BalasPadamFor example, like DATUK YIP KUM FOOK 叶金福 and he is cheating everywhere, also playboy to people wives everywhere, he doesn't have any Buddhist rules, then after go to get a position as Buddhist temple president, this is very ugly and shameful.... used police and gangsters to remove the Buddhist monks out from Temple
This SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE(吉隆坡甲洞帝沙再也三宝) is founded by Buddhist Sangha Kelantan at Taman Ehsan and then moved to Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong...You! (YIP KUM FOOK) just become a president of Temple but you reject all old committees, your mind is very dirty.... now Buddhist devotees wake up to understanding what happened at Temple
We and the devotees know very well about SAMNAK SAMBODHI because we are close to the Buddhist monks in Kelantan, we were in the committee for a long time because the last time Temple was nothings, we had to support the Sangha to build the Temple, but you (Yip) defrauded the Sangha of RM20,000.00, this is a dirty mind and stupid thought
Political ideas and Buddhist teachings, please do not mix because Buddhism is a way of human life in this world and the afterlife, DATUK YIP KUM FOOK叶金福 needs to understand more on this, because of he / you higher education (law graduate), we are ordinary people, cannot be compared to you
Tony Keong, Kepong
We hope the ruler of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Cancel or revoke this title of Datuk ship DATUK YIP KUM FOOK叶金福 because he is very bad in the Chinese community in Malaysia, also very disturbed Buddhist monks, anyone can write a letter to the Sultan of Selangor to inform about MCA YIP KUM FOOK叶金福
BalasPadamWe also hope that everyone loves Malaysia, do not mess it up and don't like other people, only then can we live in this country in peace and happiness. DATUK YIP KUM FOOK叶金福 is very proud of himself, now the world is different from the past and now many people have education, you cannot fool them
DATUK YIP KUM FOOK叶金福made the Samnak Sambodhi Buddhist Temple (吉隆坡甲洞帝沙再也三宝) destroyed and now the Temple is near to collapse because he is playing politics in the temple, everyone know about that
Sharing by Tony Toh & friends
有关马來西亜,吉隆坡,甲洞帝沙再也 (暹寺) 三宝寺 Samnak Sambodhi Buddhist Association No.19-21 Jalan 38 Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong 52100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 所发生的纠纷, 经过阅读了,Venerable Phra Piya Thammo 和尚及叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook) 的双方书信之后, 再经实地旁听了觧,做为中间人,我要客观实事的说:
1.当一个和尚、初出道 (小学生),在修行, 若有缺点, 那是难免.他马华公会鹅唛區会主地席叶金福律师(Yip Kum Fook),却心眼看不顺,就电招警万到耒佛教之圣地要扣畄和尚耒耻唇出家人, 这是绝对不许可, 除非是殺人放火之大罪悪.
2.他身为马华公会鹅唛區会主席叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook),却反其道而行, 在佛寺不依佛法而軽视佛教的精神, 以傲慢的手段,帶领一般黑社会的人耒挑衅和尚打架, 这也是不该有、更不是佛教修行者的行为.
3.佛教的圣地, 其主要的目地, 是让眾生修佛道, 不是政治争執的地方. 他马华公会鹅唛区会主席叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook), 却利用佛教之圣地当政治活动的场所。如此果敢冒犯佛陀的教誨,更是大大的罪悪。
囯有囯章,彿有佛法,家有家规. 如果出家人有何不对之处, 他叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook), 为何不向主持和尚投?让出家人自依和尚的條规处理、却强权一味要显示他是马华公会鹅唛区会及三宝寺理事会主席, 无法无天的应用霸道手段践踏佛教之圣地.为什么。。。。。为什么.
至今, 他叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook),不当不歉愧,还要狡辩, 这又证明了他说一套, 做的又是另一套, 囗是心非, 所谓的两舌, 相当阴险. 身为律师, 受高深教育, 却应用如此悪毒, 横蛮无礼的作风污辱和尚, 相等于是耻辱佛教伩仰者。他叶金福律师(Yip Kum Fook)不向主持和尚投诉, 却自承英雄,电招外耒者.请问,身为將近20年的三宝寺主持和尚兼顾问,也是第一位 自筹建寺的大功臣,在大马南傳泒中,是闻名遐邇的高僧.其脸要放在那裡?同样的,要是台湾星雲大师的佛寺沙彌犯錯, 理事会没有礼貌自作主张,电招警方要扣畄其沙彌.我敢请问!星雲大师的自尊是怎样的感受?他叶金福律师(Yip Kum Fook)是后耒者,担任理会主席也不久, 竟敢应用如此,目无尊長的方式对待住持,间接的就是告大家,强迫住持和尚必远離,雀巢鸠要佔。这种用心不良, 有老千之谋, 的确令人不敢恭维。
縱观以上几项重点,我不是盲目的護持三宝, 而是要坦白的说;他叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook) 身受高深教育, 为律师者,本应通情达理才是,但遗憾的是, 却令人惊觉, 他厡耒就是彿书裡所讲的狡猾且残忍的此颣人。他叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook),利用他的专业知識, 懂得包裝自己的道德守則,以宗教为幌子手,到处募款,商业经营, 政治活动为重, 并没依循佛教宗教守则行事, 也没对人道作出任何貢献, 只不过借宗教之名捞取权和私利而己。
在此, 我奉劝, 他马华公会鹅唛区会主席叶金福律师 (Yip Kum Fook), 好自为之, 免因果報应.
shared by boon kiat
We want to inform everyone about Datuk Yip Kum Fook internet, there are many complaints, comments and posts about him, we Chinese or MCA/Buddhists are shyer and cruel when we listen to people said (gossip) because we live in the Kepong area, we also live, in front of the Buddhist Temple in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong...and Datuk Yip Kum Fook house near the Temple as well.
BalasPadamNow MCA is robbing his son (Lawrence Yip) the Chairman of MCA Gombak, Datuk Yip Kum Fook appointed this, now many people know the reason for the way of governing like the father, deceiving people and telling lies, adding actions or boasting. , if he continues to serve, MCA will fall more in the future.
On the other hand, about the Samnak Suriyo Buddhist Temple in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong...because he cheated everyone in the Temple and removed the Buddhist monks from the temple...called the police to harass the monks...he will suffer for his whole life and his family will also fall apart one day…
Please everyone be more careful and not be associated with this Datuk Yip Kum Fook because this man is like a crocodile, he has nothing to be ashamed of….
Shared by Mr. Lee
Kini, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong adalah satu berita yang sangat buruk kerana salah seorang ahli politik melakukan kerja kotor di Kuil Buddha dan membawa sistem politik bermain di kuil sehingga ahli masyarakat lari dan presiden Kuil ini (Samnak Sambodhi). ) ialah Datuk Yip Kum Fook yang merupakan bekas pengerusi MCA di Taman Daya , Kepong dan pengerusi MCA Gombak
BalasPadamLelaki ini (Datuk Yip) selalu menelefon polis untuk menangkap sami Buddha dan menutup pintu Kaabah untuk tidak membenarkan sami Buddha masuk untuk menginap, semua sami Buddha terpaksa menyewa hotel untuk seketika...Mr Tan dan Kelemahan Encik Wah pada hari itu, pasukannya, samseng dan dua anggota polis datang mengganggu Ven. Phra Piyadhamma (Pulau Pinang atau bekas CID dari Singapura)
Sejak kejadian itu, ramai penganut meninggalkan kuil kerana di kuil, mereka melakukan perkara yang tidak baik, kini jawatankuasa mengambil sami Buddha Myanmar untuk berkhidmat kerana mereka tidak mengambil berat tentang masalah Kuil sebelum ini atau Datuk Yip Kum Fook...ini seorang yang sangat kotor kerana dia boleh menipu semua orang
Kini Datuk Yip Kum Fook dan pasukannya akan menderita dan terluka kerana ramai yang tahu apa yang berlaku...ada yang ramai tidak suka Datuk Yip Kum Fook dan dia akan tahu apakah dosa terbesar dalam agama Buddha?
Dikongsi oleh Ah Wah, Selayang Jaya
Datuk Yip Kum Fook's case is very funny because he always uses police and gangsters to disturbed people in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong KL, his brother-in-law SIMON LOW KOK MENG (Taman Daya, Kepong) spied on him, anyone should be careful with this Simon Low, when talking somethings about Datuk Yip, he (Simon Low) will inform Datuk Yip Kum Fook
BalasPadamSIMON LOW KOK MENG knows everything what Datuk Yip Kum Fook is many people know what Datuk Yip is doing because you do research on the internet, you will see what people post and comment because there are people who edit his photos to say somethings on him....this is embarrassing for MCA and Buddha
These two men are very dirty minded and they make it so interesting in Buddhist teachings but they think further in Buddhist teachings but they will suffer in Kepong if anything happens, please suspect these two men only
Last time we were close to Simon Low but now we are far away from him because he is more proud of himself and we know he does not have children but he bought children in Sabah or Sarawak many years ago, this may be GOD punishing this family.
Message shared by Mr Choy, Taman Ehsan, Kepong
Now many people are talking about Datuk Yip Kum Fook doing bad things in Kepong because of the word of men and women, God knows he is doing bad things in the Kepong area, when you type the word of Yip Kum Fook, there everything is displayed on the smartphone screen, now technology is very fast to give something to people, people will share to others to know
BalasPadamHow do you want to hide your bad things from the world and you can't keep a secret in this world, one day people will know what you did with him, now you are almost 70 years old and your power will disappear soon. When you get there, you will feel something in your life, people will look down on you (know someone will not pity at you)
If you read this message of ours, you can't sleep and you can't eat because you will see your shadow when you walk under the sun or the moon, also if you are in the room you will hear some disturbing ghosts because in the past you are more many people you cheat (close friends, you cheat on them too)
Don't forget, Simon Low Kok Meng is Datuk Yip Kum Fook's spy and security, when you (anyone) say about Datuk Yip Kum Fook, the order will fast to Datuk Yip...I Ah Wah from Selayang to witness when they take monks out from Samnak Sambodhi, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong...they brought the police and thugs (gangster) in the temple to remove the monks
Shared by Ah Wah and Ah Chuan
People will have a chance to change you do bad things to people but karma will not give you a chance forever, you will suffer all your life because you have suffered a lot to people
BalasPadamNow many people know in Kepong area about you doing evil, the last time you did something bad people don't care, when you do it with Buddhist monks, that your karma will always increase and you will suffer before you die
What you are doing with the Buddhist Sangha are a very biggest sin in this life because Buddhist monks, they have practices in their journey(way) or teachings, we are ordinary people born in the world for a while and you are destroying Buddhist culture, Buddhist monks never do anything only to be you are angry but you are jealous of them(Buddhist Monks)
This Datuk Yip Kum Fook and his security and spy (Simon Low Kok Meng (Taman Daya, Kepong) everyone needs to be careful because it is more dangerous in Kepong... Mr. Simon Low is the mastermind for Datuk Yip Kum Fook... both are large crocodiles
Cheng from Taman Ehsan, Kepong
Datuk Yip Kum Fook former MCA Gombak, now MCA Gombak his son (Lawrence Yip), this is also like father, he really walks like father because he looks like a cat eating fish but this is more blind, everyone needs to be careful, if there is who mistakenly associate with them, that people will be unlucky, they will eat all your luck
BalasPadamPeople are not interested in MCA because this group wants to destroy of MCA, get power from MCA; there is more power of MCA to stir up people like that to damage Buddhist monks in Buddhist Temples and put fire of Hindu Temples (Taman Daya) in the Kepong area. Now many people are saying that Datuk Yip Kum Fook did bad things to people in the past, in the future he will live in Kepong with more suffering and unhappiness...
We are Chinese and MCA members, and also Buddhists, now it is very difficult to find an MP to help us because our MCA MP is gone, now Chinese Malaysians are suffering more and more because there is no one to help us..we are very bad fate and hardship
Mr Simon Low Kok Meng is spy and security guard, for example: Spies can then return information such as the size and strength of enemy Datuk Yip or others. They can also find dissidents within the organization and influence them to provide more information or defect. In times of crisis, spies steal technology and sabotage the enemy in various ways.
Some explained about Datuk Yip Kum Fook and wrote a message by Jeffrey Liew, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong
We have been with Datuk YIP KUM FOOK for a long time, since he and his family live near Taman Ehsan roundabout and I respect him because he is the chairperson of Taman Daya MCA there and works hard for our people in Kepong area, which makes people happy and the place is peaceful.
BalasPadamIn addition, he is a lawyer, many of our Chinese community look to him to solve the problems of some cases because at that time the MCA party had more power, so he could step into the parliament in Malaysia, he was very lucky to get such an opportunity, it was not easy
Since he made a mistake about the removal of Buddhist monks from SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE and cheated Myanmar Buddhist monks of money (funds), his luck is slow down and then more people are gossiping on the internet and from that day (reason) until today he is your luck unbalanced because.. Anyone who disturbs Sangha who that people will fall into a hot hell forever…
DATUK YIP KUM FOOK! You have been my friend for a long time, you had better return the title of Datuk to the Sultan of Selangor or any title of Datuk back to Sultan because that title is also useless, now many people know about you and your family...some people say about you, you are who is evil and deceives women and others
From and shared by Mr (Uncle Lim, Taman Ehsan)
Writing message by son
Many people hate Datuk Yip Kum Fook because he was thrown out Buddhist monks from Buddhist Temple and disturbed the Buddhist monks (Sangha), very ugly and shameful president of the Buddhist Temple and how can he be the President of the Temple, if the Buddha of the world knows about it, we are Buddhists how we will put face
BalasPadamOnly Malaysia the president of the Buddhist temple thugs or robbers of other countries are rejected and really hate who does bad things in the temple at least who are the committees that must obey the teachings of the Buddha....our Buddhist temple in Taman Desa Jaya, it is very unfortunate to have people inside or controlling Temple
Danny chong, taman ehsan, kepong……
Simon Low Kok Meng ialah Datuk Yip Kum Fook adik ipar dan CID, kerana membawa maklumat berita kepada keluarga datuk Yip, kena berhati-hati dengan mereka, selalu mendatangkan masalah kepada orang kepong dan Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong, sekarang ramai yang tahu tentang apa yang mereka lakukan
BalasPadamSemua perkara yang mereka lakukan seperti membakar Kuil Hindu (Taman Daya) dan mengeluarkan sami-sami Buddha dari Samnak Sambodhi atau kuil Buddha di Taman Desa jaya, kepong...juga MCA runtuh kerana mereka juga, mereka mendapat kuasa untuk mendapatkan wang dan untuk mereka berniaga
Cina, India, Melayu dan lain-lain perlu berhati-hati yang tinggal di Kepong, kerana golongan ini boleh melakukan sesuatu kepada semua orang. Datuk Yip Kum Fook ialah seorang peguam (YIP KUM FOOK & ASSOCIATES) No 2A & 2B, Tingkat 2, Jalan 53, Desa Jaya Kepong, 52100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan... tetapi ada orang atau kawan-kawannya berkata, Datuk Yip Kum Fook bukan peguam sebenar, kerana Datuk Yip membeli sijil dari beberapa institut undang-undang di UK sahaja
Kami berharap kini presiden Malaysia (Datuk Seri Anwar) akan menyemak Datuk Yip Kum Fook kerana banyak komen dan posting di internet, dan ramai orang mengesyaki melakukan projek haram dan kesilapan undang-undang di Malaysia
Perkongsian dan siaran oleh Encik Chong dan keluarga, Kepong
Venerable PHRA PIYA DHAMMO is a retired police officer of the Singapore narcotics criminal investigation department, after he retired and he joined the monastic life at the Mahindarama Temple in Penang under Venerable Dr. Elgiriye Indarathana, the incumbent chief at the time
BalasPadamLater, he practiced Buddhist teachings, Dhamma, and temple rules by wearing white clothes for three years before being ordained a Buddhist monk and he lived with a chief monk for five years to study full subjects in Buddhism to follow the rules of Vinaya (culture, morality, meditation and others)
Therefore, my Master (Phra Piya Dhammo) said, he travelled to many places to practice the Dhamma and gain more experience in the areas of Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, and Melaka
And he stopped at SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE, Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong for training under a good MASTER there, but so many Ghosts to be bothered as YIP KUM FOOK (lawyer), this YIP KUM FOOK is the president of SAMNAK SAMBODHI and YIP KUM THIS FOOK also called the police to arrest him, using that annoying gangster as well
Many things my Master told us about him traveling for Dhamma training, the worst place in SAMNAK SAMBODHI BUDDHIST TEMPLE because YIP KUM FOOK (lawyer) did not respect the monks and other committee members